Storage and shelf life of the product

Complete liquid mix for ice-cream, already pasteurised and matured through artisan processes, frozen (-18°C), packed in disposable Boxes of 3.7 kg each, ready to be defrosted and whisked to obtain a 5 kg tray of fine artisan ice-cream in 4-5 minutes;

To be able to use it immediately, the temperature of the product must be lowered by placing it in a normal refrigerator (+ 4 °) for about 12 hours. In the fridge it can remain for 3-4 days before using it in an industrial batch freezer or domestic ice cream maker.
After having creamed it, put the ice cream tray in the fridge display and sale window. The product can be kept for about 10 days.

Processing stages

Thawing: remove the product from the freezer (-18 °) and put it in a positive refrigerator (+ 4 °) for 12 hours
Creaming: pour the contents of the product into a blender. Wait a few minutes for the machine's acoustic signal and collect the ice cream in the tray (about 10-15 minutes for 5 kg of ice cream)
Display: once the 3-5 kg ​​tub of ice cream has been filled, place it in the horizontal display case.
Storage: the excess product can be stored in the well-protected fridge freezer even for a long period (-18 °)

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