Gelato to be whipped

"Our product was studied and elaborated by internationally renowned professionals, who won awards in the artisan ice-cream sector.."

See how our gelato is produced and transformed

Complete liquid mix for ice-cream, already pasteurised and matured through artisan processes, frozen (-18°C), packed in disposable  Boxes of 3.7 kg each, ready to be defrosted and whisked to obtain a 5 kg tray of fine artisan ice-cream in 4-5 minutes;

  • 100% Italian
  • No synthetic colorants
  • No preservatives
  • No hydrogenated fats
  • Hygienic and safe: ready to use, no additional ingredient required
  • Constant quality, guaranteed worldwide.
    (the chemical-physical and organoleptic characteristics remain unaltered)
  • Flavours and scents are preserved for over one year if well stored (-18°C)
  • Easy to prepare
  • Conceived and produced from Mondo di gelato artigianale’s samples

Production phases:

remove the product from the freezer (-18°) and place it in the fridge with positive temperature (+4°) for approx. 12 hours.

Whisking: Once defrosted, pour the product into an ice-cream machine. The latter transforms the liquid mix into the final product: ice-cream. Whisking takes place through the action of three elements: stirring of the mix by whisks or blades, cooling from (+ 5°C) to about (-15°C) and introduction of air. The sudden and sharp temperature drop is linked to the need to avoid the formation of too large crystals, in order to obtain a smoother and less scaly compound. Stirring of the mix is instead required to favour the air absorption to increase the volume of the compound (approx. 25-30 %) and soften it. Wait for a few minutes until you hear the machine buzzer and collect the ice-cream in the tray (about 4-5 minutes for 5 kg of ice-cream).

Exposure: once the 5 kg ice-cream tray is filled, store it in the fridge on the horizontal glass, at a temperature of (-13 °C).

How we prepare our liquid mix in the artisan laboratory in Italy:

1) Selection of raw materials
2) Dosing and mixing of ingredients
3) Pasteurisation and maturation
4) Temperature drop (quickly cooling of the mix, preserving the quality intact)

1) First choice ingredients, without synthetic colorants, preservatives and hydrogenated fats, with 100% fruit and 100% Italian milk.

2) Dosing consists in the exact balancing of raw materials according to a previously studied and conceived recipe; after dosing and balancing the ingredients, these can be mixed in order to evenly distribute the raw materials.

3) Pasteurisation is the phase aimed at reducing the bacteria generally present in the mix. Therefore pasteurisation is a thermal treatment; in this phase the ice-cream is brought to a temperature between 65 and 85°C, then it is quickly cooled until 4, 5°C, thus ensuring improved quality and a safe product under a hygienic and health profile. Maturation takes place at the same time as pasteurisation. This phase has the purpose to make the artisan ice-cream mix even, harmonious and consistent, especially when mixing ingredients like water and fats.

4) The blast chiller, which works at a temperature of approx. -40°C with forced ventilation, allows quick freezing, avoiding the formation of ice macro crystals.

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Gelato Sicily Srl - Via Colle Fiorito, 2 00045 - Genzano di Roma (RM) - Italy - CF/P.IVA: 12914651000
Copyright © 2017 Gelato Sicily. Tutti i diritti riservati.